re:Invent 23 Walker 231128 4
Word   220425 0
She’s built a house of glass A sentience 190830 0
Inktober20181031 Inktober 181031 7
Entropy Lyrics 180331 3
A Knight’s Left Sword A sinister tale 180210 9
Mask & Face A perception of reality 180204 2
2018 walking back into the present Walker 180101 6
A silence 171130 2
Ad nauseum ad nauseum A resumption 171127 23
Skunk Walker Walker 170924 3
My Winter Vacation A drawl 170120 3
#Sir Dill the Fearful Not an allegory 160702 1
Rain A feeling remembered 160618 2
Ice Cream Biker Walker 150515 28
6 A birthday 150513 2
k-means A cluster 150418 32
- A note 150418 19
FLYING ROBOT MANATEE A collaboration? 150325 1
Possible Person Cold 150216 2
Fault Waltz Faux Awaken 140216 20
Lycanthrope Nightmare 140109 2
Blind Full Moon Biker Walker 131019 1
Goldfish Don’t ask 130313 2
Ladybug I could try to excuse myself, but that’d excuse those before me 130311 1
Saint Pizza This is why I don’t write anymore 130214 1
#Because alliteration Because alliteration 120620 .318
ASF A stout fiction 120525 16
Slimy Cheese2 A delicacy 120421 .270
I Don’t Know2 A… 120406 6
72 An old man 120202 14
Dry Lime A painting 120124 1
; A promise 111111 11
I was going to write about Nuitblanche but then I found out that airplanes can fly An observation 111010 2
Nuitblanche Walker Walker 111001 6
Yours truly A dear 110930 3
Water me… one more time? A flower 110929 2
Soliloquy for two A one act play 110928 4
Exquisite A doodle 110927 2
Deadman Switch A breaker 110926 6
Sabbath A break 110926 8
Pons A bridge 110924 2
Solar Fever A flare 110923 2
Fairer Days A subway 110922 4
If this isn’t nice, what is? A divine chuckle 110921 3
Esperluète & plus 110918 2
\ A split 110916 4
Cherry on a broom A stick 110915 3
Bore2 A Kae 110914 3
Surprix A surprise 110914 5
Too happy to be sad A lalala 110911 3
My Summer Vacation A memoir 110910 4
Mailday Walker Walker 110906 4
9 lives A cat 110904 9
9th O A fix up 110903 2
Very Well A characticture 110902 2
Amphigory An amphigory 110901 3
= A mystery 110826 5
4th time’s a charm A stall 110815 4
3rd Try A surrender 110814 7
6 minutes A speel interlaced whichever which way 110810 15
Feynman’s Point A… I forget 110728 7
Still Life A ballet 110722 6
17 A homosexual Victorian romance 110717 17
Midsummernight Biker Walker 110717 4
#The Stranger Not mine 110711 .217
8 A four dimensional torus 110709 37
@ A bridging point 110708 3
There is a time A couch 110701 5
Heroine A man grounds from gravity with heroine which stops him from reaching the moon. Also time 110624 8
#Fuck A quick out 110617 .034
Stay in my sight, and out of my way A nocore plight. Alternate titles: Last Meterologist, Suicide Notes, Who do you think you are? 110518 18
#Even the sex couldn’t make up for all the rest A modest proposal 110516 .07
#Dear me, you’re wrong Because abstraction never stops 110513 .349
Faux Sequitur A fallacy 110508 7
#Nobody’s coming home tonight to go so long for you Because it’s gotta stop 110410 .323
#Since when were you real? Because the dreams never stop 110325 1.21
#Touched Something’s Hollow Because the halting problem only stops when it stops 110320 1.914
* A recursion of footnotes 110316 7
#Get a life3 Because life never stops until you die 110315 .745
Stay awhile An unasked answer 110312 1.149
Can I go home now? A bad vaccinated vacation. Alternate title: Homesick 110307 12
If Plagues Were Wolves A werewolf epidemic poem 110225 2.450
! With a name like Not/they hated rhymes a lot/They quickly hit/whoever laughed at it/Sure’s a dirty snot 110224 3
123 A word collage 110221 12
Falling A dream 110220 2
Enough! A monologue in dialogue form 110218 4
Flying Flamingos Flaming France Fame and fortune of fairy tales for funerals or funnel drinking freaks on fungus infected from random fickle pickles for scientific formulas about fungicide and famine outbursts 110216 4
Xenophobia2 Excerpts&commentary 110215 9
Kleptomania Get staked 110215 2
Zone Control A tragedy of commons 110215 3
Juggling Jester Jokes A tragedy of comedy 110214 3
Quoi? A bilingual poem 110214 1.51
Nash Equilibrium A vampire story 110130 15
Random ! 110127 6
#Rock paper scissors Because the game never ends 110121 1.451
Write a name for the story here A spiritual successor to Validity’s first part 110112 2
Enjoy! A poem. Kills. What New York Used To Be 110110 .769
Greetnight Walker Walker 110110 4
Would you envy me? A poem of megalomaniatic manifestation 110107 .579
#Buried Alive Because blizzards never stop 110102 1.008
Demurrage A most coherent surrealism 101223 11
Deadnight Walker Walker 101217 5
#aPod Because there’s only so many vowels 101217 1.376
High Frequency Trading An essay of less ambition than Alien Authorship 101216 9
One on One A love story 100930 16
#Honest Samaritan Because honesty always prevails 100924 .715
Devil’s Debt2 Sure as debt, dust collects 100924 2
Rainday Walker Walker 100507 28
Highnight Roller Walker 100501 9
Bloodnoon Rider Walker 100427 7
#Harris Excerpt 100422 .649
#Lights Out Excerpt 100331 .629
White Hole Excerpt 100323 3
Marchbreak Walker Walker 100319 6
I Excerpt 091223 2
#Peek & Peep Excerpt 091219 .982
#Compulsion Because stopping never starts 091105 .172
#Write of dandelions anytime my presents may be wanted2 Excerpt 091018 1.217
You are lost Excerpt 091008 .494
#Situation New Because free association stops when it feels like it 090824 .376
& Excerpt 090724 3
Allday Walker Walker 090717 3
#Sitting in a park & some girl 090703 .093
#Slightly long winded way of saying iced cappuccinos are cool Excerpt 090630 1.251
Alien Authorship A comparative essay. Also aliens 090622 5
There is a place Excerpt 090612 6
Sicknight Biker Walker 090210 7
50k=0 Graphorrhea 090114 257
#This story sucks Because minimalism does stop 081106 0
Validity ? 080906 14
Coldnight Walker Walker 080704 3
Midnight Walker Walker 080624 2
#Spawn Because mountains never stop 080426 1.678
Pak Interview Protector fanfic 080420 4
The List of Doom, Serprex Summaries Volume I2 Mighty Erick decided my summaries could stand alone 080328 6
#Darwin’s Coward Because cars never stop 071108 .481
Necrophilia A joke written during lunch periods 070924 3
#Photon Because moons never stop 070923 .833
Uninteractive Fiction2 Please enjoy the ride 070810 19
#Melodrama3 Nonimportant’s spam deflection 070507 .382
0:Space Ninja A joke 070705 5
ZOMG!2 Cyberpunk 070611 48
#CtrlZ Because pie feasts never stop 070513 .474
We are all mad2 Mostly written by Nonimportant 070415 20
Memory Lane2 A stab at non linear narrative 070325 13
2 Geese & a Dead Lady Two geese kill a lady and die 070320 6
To Mance a Mance A last try at fantasy 070313 172
Unknown Mysteries A creation story 070302 5
Tale of Bushis3 Survived The Neverending Wiki 070114 5
‹UNIC◙DE›™3 Joe gets pulled into cyberdrama 061220 13
Oompa Loompas In Mah Brain2 They’re eating it 061020 2
Amoebas Have Feelings Too3 Salesmen 060718 1
Les jeunes du trouble We had to write a French short story 060000 10
Our Society…Doomed? We had to write poetry. It was awful 060000 7
Nerquin I figured I’d write again 050000 140
Synava I decided to write 040000 170