
14:12, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

I didn’t write a story yesterday. I coded a little, but that’s because that’s how I get paid. I can code everyday, but I can’t write everyday. Four days in a row is the longest stretch it seems. I wrote several stories in three days back in February, but that’s still not more than four days. So we have to look deeper. Individual projects. 8. I got to take a bit of a break there on the Wednesday. The fifth day. But besides that, this is also changing the question from the What now? to the simpler What next?

I didn’t play chess yesterday. I did try out reciting pi. Took too long a break, but nothing the warm up couldn’t patch up. Just in no shape to push past 216 at the moment

Instead I got drunk and memorized the alphabet backwards. This was a collaborative effort. I was annoyed at 26 being the result of two prime numbers, which meant that it had no other factors (ignoring trivial 1/26. On trivial roots and such: these are what they should introduce to students. Throughout my time of reconstructing on the spot some random equation we were expected to memorize, I’d apply trivial cases as a form of sanity check)

So it was suggested to cut off A and Z, because everybody knows those two, which makes me happy because then we have 24 random symbols to memorize. This is a much better number. It’s a factor of 12. I like 12. I’d venture to say I like 12 more than powers of two, so long as I’m not coding. I had considered cutting up the digits before Feynmann’s point into three blocks 256. This hit me after I noticed I was using a various packing methods for packing blocks of six, followed by packing that in packs of six, which are packed into packs of four. Recursive divison garners much with powers of two

So we cut up 24 into 4 groups of 6. There was that fumbling one has when they first run into foreign strings. We hadn’t picked up patterns yet. A thing about human minds: they’re pattern matchers. They’re so bent on finding patterns that they’ll warp themselves into thinking there’s patterns in random data. Random data cannot be compressed. Patterns are used for compressing data. Therefore, random data has no patterns. But humans don’t remember raw data, so their data format is so inefficient that picking up on local occurrences of patterns proves suitable. Similar point: humans remember strings with a large alphabet more efficiently than a similar bit length but respectively longer string with a smaller alphabet. Which is another reason for base 12. Multiplication would be faster with a multiplication table that’s 144 large and smaller number of digits. They already press for children to learn up to 12x12

We decided to take another page out of my memorizing book and split the groups of six up again. Going over the groups, it was found that all the groups were best split as 3/3. We thought twice on the last one, but decided there was no point in breaking the pattern. At this point, it seems that last split couldn’t’ve been split any other way. I’ve warped my mind that little bit more to think DCB and GFE are so obviously regular that it’s a miracle they appear in the backwards alphabet

There is a little confusion though. I made the mistake of associating SRQ with SQR. SQR is the common name for the squaring function. This means I have to always check myself and make sure I say SRQ rather than SQR. I should’ve never made the association. While programming, SRQ should mean nothing. While reciting the alphabet backwards, SQR should mean nothing

At this point it seems the recital is firm enough, having been recited after a period of sleep. It still lacks a proper jingle, but I’m not much for such flares

Before memorizing the reversed alphabet, the last thing I’d memorized was my new debit card’s number. It’s a nice number. I hadn’t memorized my previous card, so I wasn’t able to recite it when saying I’d lost my card. Instead I had to recite my previous home’s address, phone number, postal code, and my student number. I’ve never really had to apply my previous home’s postal code, yet I somehow became the reference for it after picking through the paper waste basket. Garbages should be called waste baskets

There’s 750 words about what I really should avoid writing about. There’s much more that needs writing about. Like this chess set where the white pieces are gimped because one of the knights has jaundice and the king’s missing his crown and the bishop’s lost his head. They’ve applied these troubles, which do not apply to chess, to warrant always having the first move in the game. It doesn’t matter who’s playing whom; the white pieces always move first

Also the king’s got orange ooze. It dares one to elect black. To take the just cause of ooze slaying

What I like about that is that it doesn’t cast the observer, who happens to also be the analyst. It’s also not mine. It’s something I’ve picked up from others. I’ve been observing the sources of my humor, my language, my thoughts

I’ve begun to tell jokes with the air of my father. Who’d’ve thought it’d take getting away for that to happen

Here’s a quote on my own influences flight: Well, I now write how I speak, not so eloquent is it?

That’s nice

A strange thing: picking up language in reaction to someone else, but without their own use causing the creation. I’ve been taking up Go for it. Also That’s nice. Something that’s resurfaced: That’s too bad

The last idiom was pointed out before its resurfacing in a decline to write a chapter of 8. The word invitation was on the tip of the tongue, thus being referred to as offer/request

What a pair. Such dualistic contradictions being bound together is what fantasy dreams it could do without being so cliché

I collect words. Here’s some words on cliché: I’m alright with being my own cliche

That doesn’t even make sense. Whatever. Similar point: all adolescents are stereotypical because there’s so many adolescent stereotypes

Stereotypes exist for a reason. That’s a line I picked up from an old friend. My own permutation: I don’t believe in stereotypes, but I believe in demographics

I applied the original form in a page I wrote titled anawfulthingisbetterthannothing. It was awful. Most didn’t realize the jestful nature. It’s nice when someone can laugh with you at themselves. It’s not mutually exclusive

Here’s the clincher: 9 lives took me a few days to write. 3rd Try was similar in nature. I could go further, but it’d become drab. Point is that these are way too easy to write long compared to those shorter pops of words which have not already been thought. Though If this isn’t nice, what is? did get to have the idea fleshed out the day before. I mayn’t’ve written it if I hadn’t tried telling it aloud first. Here’s to a case where positive feedback isn’t getting flamed by me

I’ve been spotted: You’re writing

Sambucca when writing. Amaro when coding

See? Regression is a hard climb. Writing too much about too little. Back to something nice:

There shall not be an ending for something that shall always begin

Now there’s the thing that makes me wonder what kind of foresight I might have thrown. One of those moments which might align with Camus’s concept that we only get a chance to prove our convictions through death

Deadman switch. Open hand. That’s really the fault here: openly admits to all those dirty little secrets we keeped tucked under our pillows to help us sleep. I don’t have a pillow

Alright, alright, everything must end. Moments never last. So, back to back to something nice:
